December 2023
01 Year
01. International Contracts
02. Foundation for Research
03. International Banking and Finance
04. International Intellectual property
05. International Commercial Disputes
06. Research Methods
07. Corporate Governance and Corporate Social responsibility
08. Globalization and Law
09. Dissertation
In addition to the Learning Outcomes, the module may explore, develop and practice, but not formally assess, the ability to work in groups.
The following is an indicative list of topics that will be explored. The exact content of workshops may be changed to reflect more recent developments or interests in this subject area.
· Introduction to the Sale of Goods
· International Sales Contract - FOB Contracts
· International Sales Contract - CIF Contracts
· Bills of Lading
· Documentary credits
· UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
The aim of this module is to provide opportunities for students to enhance and further develop key academic and professional skills. Students will be introduced to the idea of skills auditing and reflective practice by being required to produce a skills focused portfolio. The aim is to facilitate students in reflecting on the core skills and competencies required for professional practice and to consider their own skills levels.
Opportunities will be provided for students to develop research and reasoning skills as well as skills in information retrieval and referencing at a foundational level. Students will also be given opportunities to think about managing professional relationships, time management, working well as part of a team and participation in class. These skills map directly onto academic and employment performance in the legal field.
The module will also introduce students to the fundamental features of the core research methodologies and the foundational skills required to carry out successful research at LLM level. The methodologies to be explored will reflect those dominant in legal academia and practice.
The content may be changed to reflect more recent developments or interests in this subject area.
· Banking history
· The effect of scandals and crises on the banking system
· International financial architecture structures in a range of country contexts
· The different types of banking systems within the international context
· Digital and virtual currencies
· The vulnerabilities of different types of banking systems
· The role of banking within the wider society
The main focus of teaching and learning on the taught LLM Programmed is through independent research and debate in the context of 2 hour weekly workshops.
The workshop-based approach to teaching and learning is designed to enable the student to develop the independent research, analytical and reflective skills required for successful completion of a postgraduate level course.
Students will need to complete the necessary preparatory reading and study of any set case materials in advance of each workshop.
Research Methods provides opportunities for students to build on the skills and knowledge gained in Foundation for Research by in depth examination of the core research methodologies relevant to their field of LLM studies. By critical engaging with examples of the use of these core methodologies in practice, students will be enabled to hone critical thinking and communication skills and engage with models of good practice in the discipline relevant to both academic studies and professional practice. The goal is to encourage the student to see themselves as a reflective and effective legal researcher able to evaluate the work of others to produce cogent and well researched legal writing. These activities are at the center of both academic and professional legal practice.
The module will address corporate governance issues and explore the impact of corporate activity on society at large. This will encompass commercial enterprises, the media, international agencies and charities (NGOs). In recent years, the discussion on corporate governance has been widened by the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In that regard, it has become part of global corporations’ mission statements to advertise their CSR policies and although it can be argued that adopting such policies may be motivated by PR strategies CSR may also have implications for their behaviour and impact on their overall performance.
In fact, global corporations increasingly are driven, by both external and internal actors, to adopt socially, environmentally and ethically responsible policies to reflect their sphere of influence – not least because of media attention. In this context, their role in and contribution to armed conflicts is to be highlighted. This leads us to explore the global impact of MNCs and their growing responsibilities and, considering their potential influence on government policies, to discover in how far MNCs are actually subject to legal rules as international players.
The following is an indicative list of topics that will be explored:
· Globalization: Actors of the Global World;
· International investment law;
· Business and human rights;
· The exact content of these workshops may be changed to reflect more recent developments or interests in this subject area.
In addition to the assessed Learning Outcomes the educational experience may explore, develop, and practice, the following: Oral presentation, communications and negotiation skills through a supervision process.
· Time management skills
· Effectiveness at working independently.
· Reflection on own learning
· Use of appropriate IT and electronic data resource to aid efficient searching communication and presentation of information.
- LLB Bachelor Degree - Attorney at Law - Business Management Degree Holders - Degree in International Relations or Political Science - MBA